Susac Syndrome

Explore Susac's Syndrome, a rare and unique neurological disorder, with this comprehensive guide. Learn about the diagnostic triad comprising BRAO, Encephalopathy, and Hearing loss, and recognize the clinical presentation, including subacute encephalopathy and ophthalmic manifestations.

2023-12-23 02:16:23 - Editor

SUSAC'S Syndrome

Clinical presentation:

Clinical presentation:

Subacute encephalopathy

  1. Headaches
  2. Personality changes
  3. Impaired cognition
  4. Ataxia
  5. Dysarthria


  1. Segmental loss of vision
  2. Retinal fluoroscein angiography shows peripheral arteriolar occlusion. Gass plaques are seen (these are located away from bifurcations). Arteriolar hyperfluoroscence is seen which indicates active disease.

Hearing loss

  1. Acute
  2. Uni or bilateral
  3. Sensorineural in type, and is asymmetical. This is due to microinfarcts affecting the apical cochleae. Audiometry shows that lower frequencies are mostly affected.


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